August 23, 2018
I’m so excited about this guest post by Angie Rae, an Atlanta mom and business owner who knows the importance of taking care of yourself once baby arrives.
We all know how easy it is to lose ourselves in the stresses of motherhood, but she’s making it easy for Atlanta area moms to find a healthy balance with Mom’s Fitness Solution, her mommy and me boot camp program in Smyrna, Georgia.
When you’re pregnant and especially after giving birth, your focus (and everyone’s for that matter) is on baby. Even all the products and preparations are mainly for baby. Rightly so, as they are sweet, fragile little folks with many needs.
As a fitness trainer for moms, I have to ask though, what about mom?
When I first became a parent, I found myself in an identity crisis. I was now responsible for another life around the clock. I didn’t recognize myself in the mirror most days. Who was the tired person with dirty hair, leaky breasts and a scar across her abdomen?
When mom life is this hard, how do we find the energy and motivation to practice self care? The truth is, it will probably take awhile to find your groove again; but it’s important to find at least one thing that provides you with a smidge of relaxation or boost of energy you need to get through the day now that baby has arrived.
There’s so much talk about routines and schedules for newborns. I applaud those who are able to successfully achieve a schedule, but for me it was laughable. My stubborn genetics certainly rubbed off on my little son, and he would not adhere to any type of routine for many months; seven to be exact. When baby dictates when we can leave the house, how long we can be out and what happens in that short time frame, we as moms are presented with even more challenges!
When drive thrus and home delivery services become our best friends, how do we eat right and get back to a healthy lifestyle or even find time to shower? My answer is just do our best each day and forgive ourselves for shortcomings. Perfection is a thing of the past, and that’s okay! Our sanity is more important, and our mental and physical well being are vital to the success of our families, because we simply cannot pour from an empty cup.
I started my stroller bootcamp, Mom’s Fitness Solution, out of necessity for myself. I was suffering from postpartum anxiety and gaining weight mainly due to sheer exhaustion and lack of routine. I wanted better for myself and knew there had to be other moms in my community with similar struggles who needed support. I realized that there needs to be a focus on moms and a place for us to come together on a regular basis to feel supported, blow off steam and socialize.
Self care and realistic fitness are the two points I drive home in class. Again, throw perfection out the window, but still take action to better yourself. Maybe you have the remnants of your child’s chicken fingers for dinner because anything else simply requires too much energy. We all have ‘those days,’ and I’ve found that they are easier to deal with when we make time to workout each week.
In my personal experience, a regular fitness routine cured my postpartum anxiety. It also gets me out of the house, boosts my energy and helps me tackle the day better equipped, stronger and happier. Whatever helps you blow off steam, please be sure it’s healthy and positive, and make time for it!
Also, know there are other moms, professionals and business owners in your community that care and want to help. Amber is no exception. She understands the need for focusing on mom. She literally does it with her lens during childbirth. Not only does she capture your beautiful baby, but also all that mom is going through to bring life into this world.
It’s hard mamas! There are so many emotions involved, but I want you to know that you are not alone!
Do something kind for yourself each week, because mom matters too! Whatever it is, find something that brings you peace and joy outside of your precious family!
I’m so thankful for Angie’s words and dedication to helping moms in the Atlanta area find community and a self care routine!
I have to admit that I’m not the biggest fan of working out, but Angie’s classes make it easy to find motivation! Your little ones enjoy class with you, and Angie’s passion for helping moms is so encouraging!
Be sure to check out her mommy and me stroller classes and take advantage of her free trial; you won’t be disappointed!
Follow the link to find out more: Mom’s Fitness Solutions
And be sure to follow her on Facebook and Instagram @momsfitnesssolution for regular updates and offerings!
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