Northside Birth Photographer | Baby Oliver’s Story

  1. Darlene Lauhoff says:

    Amber you have eloquently captured the beautiful experience of the birth of our grandson Oliver and the challenges he faced after birth. The photos of the most beautiful delivery helped Danielle and Blake cherish the memories of the precious birth of Oliver. Never ending faith and love guided Oliver through this. Thank you for being so supportive.

    • Amber Watson says:

      Thank you for your beautiful words. I am beyond grateful to know you and your family and so thankful Oliver’s story is a happy one!

  2. Dannielle Hale says:

    This birth story is so beautiful. Metro Atlanta is so luck to have you as a Birth Photographer. I’m so glad baby is doing well and rocked his surgery! I look forward to seeing his NICU photos, I’m sure they’re gorgeous as well.

  3. These images are just beautiful. Mom’s reaction is just breathtaking and makes me wish I had done this with my deliveries! Hoping he can come home soon!

    • Amber Watson says:

      Thank you, Heather! Oliver is doing so well at home now! Aside from a few extra doctors’ appointments, not much is separating his routine from other newborns!

  4. Jennifer says:

    What an amazing birth story this little one has! I’m so glad that the family decided to go forward with you as their birth photographer, it will be something they will cherish and could encourage another family faced with a similar situation! So much emotion captured, beautiful work & I’m so glad that Atlanta has such a cute new guy in town!

  5. Amy Wishart says:

    Wow. I have tears as I read this. The memories you have given this family are irreplaceable. My favourite image is mum kissing her beautiful son. You have told their story with respect and love.

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